1. Zur Schau gestellt (3)

    Datum: 23.09.2019, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    ... About eleven we will start filling you with water,
    and I have to do a better job of it than I did today. Look, I am really
    sorry, for you seem to be a decent woman who has just got herself into an
    unfortunate jam. But corporal punishment is what I am expected to do, and
    that requires infliction of pain. I have to try and get your bladder
    stretched more than it was today, to increase the pain level. You may not be
    able to hold that much, and if you can't, then your time to be on the dock
    will simply be increased. You really have a choice - either try to endure
    more pain, or choose to relieve yourself when it's unendurable and be resigned
    to spending a lo!
    t more time chained there nude, in front of that crowd."
    "I'll try to endure more, but I don't know if I can", Nancy said thoughtfully.
    "But I have to try, because I simply can't take the exhibition business any
    longer than I absolutely have to."
    Nancy was exhausted. She was dirty, smelly, and her muscles ached. She tried
    to clean herself up as best she could in a small sink and with a small bar of
    soap. She tried to straighten out her hair with her hands. A fairly decent
    meal was brought her, and she fell asleep, exhausted and aching.