1. Christliche Erziehung

    Datum: 28.04.2018, Kategorien: BDSM Autor: Anonym

    ... immediately, then at her next correction.
    I am sorry, husband, Ive also told Klaus to milk himself, rather than face punishment at your hands. She admitted.
    Tonight, we will speak of this at length. For now, you may stand up He addressed me Violet, look at me.
    I cast my eyes upon him and he said You may not understand this, but you were aroused by what happened to you. In women the sign is a quickened pulse, goosebumps, engorged and moistened sexual organs, blushing cheeks. Have you ever felt like that when you saw a handsome boy, a crush?
    Yes Sir I admitted.
    Well, in the future, if you feel this way, you should confess it to me immediately. If I am not about then as soon as possible, or at your next confession, or else I shall punish you more severely for the time that passes. For this time, you must stand in the corner for an hour while we have Bible Study.
    My mouth dropped open in shock. He wanted me to stand in the corner naked, for something outside of my control? A natural physical reaction.
    I can see that you think I was too lenient for your wicked thoughts, and you stand here waiting for more punishment? Uncle Monty hinted that I should make haste.
    Aunt Kathy was silent for the rest of the night, except to point out that proper form was to stand up straight, put nose, elbows, and toes pressed to the corner of the wall, and to keep both hands on my asscheeks lest I be tempted to touch myself. Nose, Elbows and Toes became the rhyme to ...
    ... remember.
    Uncle Monty came over and pointed to some of the items hanging on the wall. They were mostly pieces of needlework called cross-stitch, apparently crafted by Aunt Kathy, by which pictures and words could be made on a piece of cloth, with each little crossed stitch acting much like a pixel in modern computer art.
    You may for now study these two nearest you. You should memorize them. Once you have done that, turn your face back to the wall and contemplate the lessons contained therein. Thereby may your soul may be improved and then your punishment may also be your salvation. That is the real point of any punishment, dear Violet, to educate and elevate the soul, to bring it out of the mire of sin and allow it to become clean in the sight of God.
    Dutifully I examined the one to my left. Wives submit yourselves unto your husbands, even as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church; and he is the savior of the body. Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. The Book of Common Prayer It was signed in cross-stitch Kathy Baudelaire. Ok, that one would definitely take some thought!
    I turned to my right and read, Thou sparest when we deserve punishment, and in Thy wrath thinkest upon mercy. The Book of Common Prayer. Again it was signed Kathy Baudelaire.
    The first was clear enough, though quite disturbing. The second as obscure as the first was clear, and ...