1. Christliche Erziehung

    Datum: 28.04.2018, Kategorien: BDSM Autor: Anonym

    ... Behold, he offereth himself a sacrifice for sin, to answer the ends of the law, unto all those who have a broken heart and a contrite spirit; and unto none else can the ends of the law be answered. Seems applicable here, its in the same book.
    Klaus stood there, his cock not wavering.
    As you can see, even biblical scripture does not cause it to waver. And if he tried, he could not stand nose, elbows and toes to the corner in this state. So you shall order him to milk himself in his mason jar shall it be present. And afterwards he must spend one hour in the corner, hands definitely where they can be seen, on the butt.
    This may seem like a stupid question Sunny asks.
    No question is stupid. Ask, Sunny.
    Well, it sounds like you want us to strip our clothes off and stand in the corner. We cant just do it clothed?
    That is correct. It would not have the same effect.
    So how do I know that they are aroused with their clothes on, before they remove them?
    Uncle seemed to think for a moment, and sagely noted You do indeed ask a clever question. If in your desire to see that your brother or sister are truly not overcome with wicked arousal, and its within the house or the farm and no elder is present to come to for mediation, then you may tell them to disrobe, so that you may inspect them. However, if the purpose of your order is to amuse yourself by humbling them, then I shall be forced to humble you further. Is that understood? He looked at us all three and we ...
    ... nodded yes. Then he excused us for the night.
    The next morning, I looked down with curiosity at my reflection in the little puddle of water gathering under me during my morning bath. The marks from my switching the afternoon before were almost gone already. They were just faint red lines in a broader pinkish hue to my butt. I was only bruised a little at the ends of each line. Uncle Monty had used the same light switch on me that we used on each other. For adults, namely Aunt Kathy, he used much harsher instruments of chastisement.
    In the dim water, I could not really make out any great detail, not that I really care that much about the female anatomy, even my own. Still, my shorn state was of some interest. I noticed an odd kind of mottling to the skin, like goosebumps, in a very regular pattern where I had been shaved, especially around the outer lips. A few days later, while Sunny and I were plucking chickens for dinner, I realized with a start that the pattern I was seeing on the dead plucked chicken skin was very similar to the pattern on my freshly shaven vulva.
    The only time that we thought to use this new found power to chastise each other, came when we were all three sitting around idly at the pond. Sunny said in a mock genteel, southern accent Brother dear, I suggest you come up out of those overalls, for I fear you may have the wickedness upon you.
    And I said Well, Sister Dear, you must have the wickedness upon thee, to think that your brother shall be ...