1. The Girl in the Mirror (Part 2) (Englisch)

    Datum: 29.07.2018, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. After all, she would be with friends. It would be nice to catch up on things. She could sit demurely in the corner of Charlene's old couch with her legs crossed. They wouldn't see much once she sat down. It would be almost like wearing a bikini, weird enough though that might be at a Christmas party.
    She exhaled in resignation and got out to dry herself off.
    Charlene's house was three blocks from Tami's. The naked girl took the darkest, most deserted route, through a path in a vacant lot. It was hard to see anything; there were no street lights nearby. The wind was still blowing and it was way cold. Maybe even below freezing by now.
    Sometimes there were rough guys hanging out in this lot but not on a night like tonight. Sprinting with long strides of tough bare feet over the broken glass, trees and weeds on all sides of her, the cold wind whipping around her tummy and butt and shoulders, feeling it rush up to sting her pussy and asshole, the naked teenager felt like a wood nymph stirring up the forces of nature on the eve of a hurricane. Her eyes flashed as she heard a crack overhead. A branch fell in her path. Without breaking her stride she jumped over it.
    Catching her breath behind a big tree on the corner, Tami looked at Charlene's, a small house tidily wreathed in blinking colored lights, and thought of how she would act. She realized there was only one way to do it. Acknowledge her nudity, act as nonchalant about it as possible, ...
    ... and announce that she was now a nudist if you don't mind.
    This is what she did. Charlene, a short, fat but popular girl with frizzy black hair and glasses, stood openmouthed at first but then smiled and said, "Wow! . . . Well OK then, come in. Good thing my dad's out!"
    Tami smiled as she sauntered pinkly and nakedly into the living room to the sound of disco Christmas tunes (Charlene had very retro tastes). It was good to see her old friends again, even though they were openmouthed and speechless. There were about eight of them so far, on two couches surrounding a little Christmas tree with lots and lots of ornaments on it. April and Tina were the first to speak. "Tami!!??"
    Hell, after what she had been through this was a piece of cake. Tami Smithers, naked in front of her old friends, extended her arms and turned around on her pointed toes. "Here I am, your friend the nudist." She looked at the two big bowls of egg nog -- "Virgin" and "Not So Virgin" --across the room. "And this naked girl is thirsty!"
    It was like the end of her visit at Wethby Campbell's. Tami felt confident and totally in control. As she filled her glass with Not So Virgin nog -- there was a lot of nog here, evidently Charlene was expecting quite a crowd -- she imagined the consternation going on behind her bare back and realized that these clothed people were more ill at ease than she was. Though she wasn't enjoying their nervousness like with Wethby, it felt good to be the relaxed one for a ...