1. Zur Schau gestellt (5)

    Datum: 20.09.2018, Kategorien: Schamsituation Autor: Anonym

    "Mrs. Johnson! Mrs. Johnson! Let's go. We've got a different program for you
    today!" She moved wearily, looking up at Clarence, standing beside her cot.
    What time was it? She didn't know. It was daylight, she could see, but it
    seemed quite early.
    Clarence immediately enlightened her. "It's six A.M. I have a change in
    program for you. You're still going to be exhibited today, with the required
    discomforts, but we're going to make it a bit different. You won't be going to
    the exhibition dock, and, at least part of time, you won't be complaining about
    the heat. Also, there might be some benefits for you. Interested?" He was
    smiling, but she knew by now that Clarence was going to put her through
    suffering, anyway. But, at least, he did it in good spirits and he wasn't mean
    or nasty. He was about as decent as a man could be in this job, she reflected.
    She glanced at her cot - now dirty and stained from the contact with her body.
    All the sweat and pain and dirt, she thought, and I haven't had a bath in days.
    Clarence seemingly read her thoughts. "Unless you object to what we've planned
    for you today, you will at least get a bath out of it. You know, you're a
    mess, and if you don't mind my saying so, your body odor is getting to be
    pretty strong stuff. I could make you live in it another day, you know."
    Nancy saw no point in argument. She was feeling a bit hungry, and her bladder
    was again calling for relief, still ...
    ... trying to get rid of yesterday's water.
    "Tell me what I have to look forward to, and let's get about it", she said in
    Clarence explained. "You're the only one on exhibition today. Veronica has to
    get to the magistrate today for her release hearing, since she finished her
    punishment. Frankly, I was hoping she'd be held over, in which case I would
    have used her for this, because the school preferred a younger person. So you
    know you're second choice. But at least it gets you off the display on the hot
    "School? What school?" Nancy questioned.
    "The boys school here sometimes requests that we use a prisoner undergoing
    exhibition and discomfort for a day, for their classes. They have us position
    the prisoner in the school, where she is exhibited in a classroom to the boys,
    for their health and sex education classes. They use her as a model to explain
    to the boys female anatomy and some bodily functions. It's all done with an
    instructor who keeps the boys under control. The teacher is usually a woman
    and the boys in these classes run about ten to twelve years old. The don't
    give the teacher a hard time, ordinarily, and are generally well behaved. But
    they can be mighty curious, in a class like this. Such a class gives the boys
    a chance to learn about girls directly, and ask questions they would be
    embarrassed about elsewhere. We will take you there, but we have a couple of
    small problems for you, ...